December 1 2023, 7:00 pm, Werkraum Bregenzerwald, Andeslbuch

Exhibition opening
Rainer Schedler – Mit Nadel und Faden zur Perfektion

The 6th exhibition of the series "Museum des Wandels" takes place parallelly in the Arbeiterkammer in Feldkrich and the Werkraum Bregenzerwald in Andelsbuch. We present the tailor Rainer Schedler. The opening takes place in the Werkraum.

Tuesday, November 14, 2023, 3:00 pm – 4:00 pm, Zoom (english)

Felicitas Heimman-Jelinek will provide an overview of the history and significance of Wimpel (Torah Binder) and showcase a few illustrative examples from different regions.
Family History Today: Wimpels - Textiles as Windows into the Lives of our Ancestors – Live on Zoom

In August 2023 Yeshiva University Museum (YUM) and the Center for Jewish History completed the digitization, translation and transcription of over 60 wimpels in the Museum’s collections, which can be viewed online here. In this panel discussion, Felicitas Heimann-Jelinek, a Vienna-based freelance curator, author, and professor specializing in Jewish cultural history, will provide an overview of the history and significance of these objects and showcase a few illustrative examples from different regions.Bonni-Dara Michaels, YUM Collections Curator, will discuss how the Museum acquired its wimpels and completed the digitization as part of the IMLS-funded project, and then highlight selected examples from the Museum’s collections. Karen S. Franklin, Director of Family Research at the Leo Baeck Institute, will elaborate on how genealogy researchers can analyze and research wimpels they inherited or those in museum collections to learn more about their family histories.

Co-presented by Yeshiva University Museum, the Leo Baeck Institute, and the Center for Jewish History

Ticket Info: Pay what you wish.









Filmstill from "Wire Mesh", Christine Ljubanovic, 2023

Photo: Andreas Langfeld








Plakat zur Ausstellung "Niemals vergessen" in Innsbruck 1947, Entwurf: Victor Slama

Credit: Theologische Fakultätsbibliothek Innsbruck











"Taxidermied Jews?" History, Present, and Future of Jewish Museums

23. November 2022–21. Mai 2023, Jewish Museum Munich

The Last Europeans. Jewish Perspectives on the Crises of an Idea

What was “Project Europe” and what has become of it? And what will become of it? Has the European Union drifted apart even further in times of alarming global challenges instead of moving closer together? Are national interests increasingly pitted against European solutions?

10 November 2022, Arbeiterkammer Feldkirch, 19:00

Exhibition opening
Krankenschwester Anni Raid: Ein Leben für die Herzgesundheit

The third exhibition of the series "Museum of Change" will present the nurse Anni Raid.











16. September 2022, Topograhie des Terrors, Berlin

Lecture by Felicitas Heimann-Jelinek: "Typisch! Klischees von Juden und Anderen (2008–2011)
In the frame of the workshop: Vorzeigen, Verhüllen, Verschließen - Wie können antisemitische und rassistische Bilder und Objkete ausgestellt werden.

Der Workshop geht in Theorie und Praxis der Frage nach, ob und ggf. wie antisemitische und rassistsche Bilder und Objekte gezeigt oder gar museal inszeniert werden dürfen. ...more





March 10th, 2022, 7 p.m., Volkskunde Museum Wien
Lecture in English

Accompanying Programm to the exhibition: The Last Europeans. Jewish perspectives on the crisis of an idea
The European Question Encounters the Jewish Question, Michael Miller, Central European University

This lecture will explore the intersection of the Jewish Question and the European Question in the interwar period (1918-1939), focusing on the efforts to "solve" both by means of a Pan-European Union.

March 10th, 2022, 5. p.m. Volkskundemuseum

Accompanying Programm to the exhibition: The Last Europaens
Guided Tour with the Exhibition Curator

Michaela Feurstein-Prasser will givce a guided tour throught the exhibition

Exhibition Folder
Graphic Design

Volkskundemuseum, Vienna, 20. January 2022, 14-20:00, soft opening

Exhibition Opening: The Last European
Jewish Perspectives on the crisis of an Idea

The exhibition "The Last European" now also on show in Vienna.

Exhibition Poster
Graphic Design: Zeughaus

Dezember 2021, Schaffarei, Arbeiterkammer Feldkirch

Interview with the Skibootmaker Werner Albrecht online available





Institut für die Jüdische Geschichte Österreichs, 4. November 2021, 10-10:45

Felcitas Heimann-Jelinek lectures in the frame of the symposium: mobile dinge, menschen und ideen. Eine bewegte Geschichte Niederösterreichs
Das Ding an sich. Oder wie Objekte Erinnerung dynamisieren können (lecture in German)


Verband Katholischer Tageseinrichtungen, 5. Oktober 2021,

Michaela Feurstein-Prasser lectures in the frame of the symposium: Namen und Bilder – Got in Geschichte, Kultur und Gesellschaft. Ein Beitrag zur religionspädagogischen Debatte.
"Die weibliche Seite Gottes. Gottesvorstellungen von antiken Darstellungen bis zu moderner Kunst" (in German)






Schaffarei, Arbeiterkammer Feldkirch, Sept. 9th 2021, 6 p.m., Exhibition opening

Museum of change
Werner Albrecht - a Pioneer of the Modern Ski Boot

Moses Mendelsohn Akademie, Halberstadt, 23. and 24. August 2021

Dyezen Universita Seferadi de Enverano, Halberstadt
Felicitas Heimann-Jelinek holds two lectures in the frame of the Summer University

22. August 2021, 15:00, Why Jewish Museums?
23. August 2021, 15:00, City of Memories. Sefardic Jews in Vienna









University of Vienna, Institute for Oriental Studies, Mai 5th, 2021, 6:30 pm
Zoom Link:

Lecture by Felicitas Heimann-Jelinek
The Turks in Vienna. A forgotten Jewish community

Lecture in the frame of the lecture series: „Happy Together”: The entangled history of Jewish communities in Ottoman lands and Turkey





Jewish Museum Hohenems, Mai 4th, 7 pm
via Zoom:

Webinar-ID: 892 2408 2108
Webinar-Kenncode: 114 119

or via YouTube:

Accompanying program for the exhibition: The Last Europeans
Moritz Julius Bond - from Hohenems into the crisis of the European democracy

Online lecture by Jens Hacke (Hamburg) ...more





Jewish Museum Hohenems, April 13th, 7:30 pm

This is part of the accompanying program for the exhibition: "The Last Europeans"
Online-Lecture and talk with Dr. Diana Pinto, Paris (in English)

The conversation with Diana Pinto is conducted by Hanno Loewy, Director of the Jewish Museum Hohenems ...more





Jewish Museum Hohenems, April 8th 2021, 7.30 pm





Jewish Museum Frankfurt, January 21, 7 9.m.

Accompanying program for the exhibition: The Female Sied of God
Gottesvorstellungen in den monotheistischen Religionen und Geschlechterkonstruktionen

Podiumsdiskussion mit Rabbinerin Prof. Dr. Elisa Klapheck, Dr. Nimet Seker und em. Prof. Dr. Marie-Theres Wacker. Moderation: Dr. Türkan Kanbicak

Only in German!





December 30th 2020, Der Standard

Despite of closed museums:
The Austrian Newspaper "Der Standard" publishes a comment about the "Last Europeans"

Ivona Jelcic writes about the actuality of the exhibition "The Last Europeans" in the Jewish Museum Hohenems ...more





Jewish Museum Frankfurt, October 22nd, 2020, 19:00, Exhibition opening:

The Female Side of God
The Jewish Museum Frankfurt opens its first changing exhibition.

An exhibition in cooperation with the Jewish Museum Hohenems









October 16, 2020, 3 pm or 4:30 pm, Jewish Museum Hohenems

Curator"s Tour
Michaela Feurstein-Prasser gives aguided tour through the exhibition "The Last Europeans" (in German)


Sunday, October 4, 2020, 11 a.m., Jewish Museum Hohenems

Exhibition Opening
The Last Europeans.
Jewish Perspectives on the Crises of an Idea
The Brunner Family. An Estate

75 years after the end of World War II, Europe is threatened by a relapse into nationalist and xenophobic ideologies.

24. Jänner 2010, 17:00, Heeresgeschichtliches Museum Wien, Arsenal, Objekt 1, 1030 Wien

F. Heimann-Jelinek am Podium der Tagung: HGM neu denken

only in German available ...more

Frankfurt, January 19-21, 2020,Goethe-University Frankfurt

The Female Side of God
Representations of
a Suppressed Tradition

The symposium is related to the new exhibition at the Jewish Museum in Frankfurt/Main "The Female Side of God" which will open on october 20th, 2020. ...more





Sunday, . October 20th, 2019, 14:00 - 15:30, Jewish Museum Fürth

Lecture and guided tour on the occasion of the 20th Birthday of the Jewish Musuem Fürth (in German)

Vergebliches – die Jakob-Wassermann-Installation im Jüdischen Museum Fürth ...more

September 25th, 2019, 6 p.m., Presseclub Concordia, Vienna

Felicitas Heimann-Jelinek gives an introduction to a lecture held by Hanno Loewy
"Totem und Tabu. Israel „ausstellen“ im Museum"
Welche Aufgabe hat ein Museum? Und was überhaupt ist „jüdisch“ an einem „Jüdischen Museum“ ?

Hanno Loewy, Director of the Jewish Museum Hohenems, will reflect on how to exhibit "Israel" in Jewish Museums.

2. September 2019, Kyoto

Lecture Felicitas Heimann.Jelinek: Exhibiting the Past - Between Mental and Physical Mnemotechnics
ICOM Conference, September 1–7, 2019, Kyoto

On the Panel: The Presence of Absence: The void that evokes loss in spaces of remembrance

August 30th 2019, Phnom Penh

Lecture Felicitas Heimann-Jelinek: „Presenting or representing the unbearable?“
International Conference: “Genocide, Memory and Peace”, Tuol Sleng Genocide Museum, Phnom Penh, Cambodia, 27-31. August 2019, organized by Tuol Sleng Genocide Museum, UNESCO und KOICA

A three-day international conference organized by the Korea International Cooperation Agency (Koica) and the UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (Unesco) will kick-off on Wednesday to share experiences on genocide, memory and peace in Cambodia.





Israel Museum, 7 – 11. October 2018, Jeusalem, Israel

Advanced Curatorial Education Programme (A-CEP)

The next and last session of our 5 year programme takes place in the Isreal Museum ...more



Sujet for the Exhibition Poster

© KHM-Museumsverband


Weltmuseum Vienna, October 17th 2018, 7 pm

Exhibition Opening
Veiled, Unveiled! The Headscarf

A piece of fabric forms the focus of this exhibition. It is much older than Judaism, Christianity and Islam. Long before the birth of these religions, a headscarf denoted social differences in ancient Mesopotamia – and its absence women’s sexual vulnerability. Today, it lies before us weighed down with countless meanings. And far too often it still represents a man’s word on a woman’s body.

With a contribution of Felicitas Heimann-Jelinek






Jewish Museum Frankfurt, Germany
April 15-19, 2018

Advanced Curatorial Education Programme

Focus on historical collections

MAG3, Schiffamtsgasse 17, 1020 Vienna, 22. 2.2018, 1930

«TONSPUR 76_expanded: KAREN WERNER"s "HAUS", Plus A Group Of Works Circling About Holocaust Postmemory And The Stranger.»

Sonic diptych by Karen WERNER and corresponding exhibition with works by Simone BADER - Dvora BARZILAI - Shmuel BARZILAI - Arturas BUMSTEINAS - Zsuzsi FLOHR - Eduard FREUDMANN - Sabine GROSCHUP - Paul Albert LEITNER - PRINZpod - Georg SALNER - Gue SCHMIDT - Marika SCHMIEDT - Arye WACHSMUTH and sound contributions by Benjy FOX-ROSEN - Reni HOFMÜLLER - Elisabeth KELVIN - der SPRECHCHOR ...more

Kriegshaber Synagogue, 30.1. - 17.6. 2018

A Memory is a Memory is a Memory?
Judaica from Kriegshaber Synagogue and the Surrounding Area

Felicitas Heimann-Jelinek is co-curating an exhbition with objects from the former Synagogue of Kriegshaber. ...more





Ahnensaal | Bundesdenkmalamts, Hofburg (Säulenstiege), Vienna , January, 17, 2018, 4 p.m.

Presentation: Handbook on Judaica Provenance Research
Felicitas Heimann-Jelinek, Julie-Marthe Cohen, Wesley Fisher

The Commission for Proveniance Resarch invites to the presentation.
please register:





Jewish Museum Venice, Oct. 14th to 19th

Advanced Curatorial Education Programme

The autumn edition of the Advanced Curatorial Education Programme took place in Venice, Italy, and was organized in collaboration with the Jewish Museum Venice.

June 13 – 14, 2017

Religionswissenschaftliches Seminar, University of Zurich
Challenging Judaica Objects:
The Ambiguity of Jewish Material Culture

International Conference, organized by Felicitas Heimann-Jelinek, Christoph Uehlinger and Sarah Werren

Jewish Museum Hohenems, April 30 2017, 11:00 a.m.

Exhibition opening
The Female Side of God

An exhibition of the Jewish Museum Hohenems
in collaboration with the Jewish Museum Frankfurt
and the Museum of the Bible, Washington DC





Izmir, April 19th – 23rd 2017

Advanced Curuatorial Education Programme

The next Advanced Curatorial Education Programme in Izmir will study the heritage of a once flourishing Jewish community in a Muslim society. ...more





Museum Judengasse, Frankfurt, June 14, 2016, 6. p.m.

Guided tour and lecture, F. Heimann-Jelinek
Genisa Frankfurt. Warum werden im Museum Judengasse beschädigte Bücher ausgestellt?

Wien Museum, June 8, exhibition opening

Tip of the Head!
A Social History of the Covered Head

Opening of the exhibition "Tip of the Head! A Social History of the Covered Head", curated by Michaela Feurstein-Prasser und Barbara Staudinger ...more

Design: Maria-Anna Friedl

Ulm Museum, February 28–July 3, 2016, exhibition

Questions of Faith
Chatrooms at the Dawn of the Modern Era

Felicitas Heimann-Jelinek curates an exhibition about conflicts between faith communities in Southern Germany of the Middle Ages. ...more

University of Leeds, March 13/14, 2016

Lecture Felicitas Heimann-Jelinek
Revealing without showing

F. Heimann-Jelinek lectures at the occasion of the conference "Jewish Museologies and the Politics of Display" and participates in the roundtable "Jewish museums and European politics".

University of Applied Sciences, Berlin, February 1, 2016

Lecture Felicitas Heimann-Jelinek
Thinking the Unbearable

Felicitas Heimann-Jelinek holds a lecture at the occasion of the conference "Dealing with Damage."


Volkskundemuseum, Vienna, October 16, 2015, 5.30 p.m.

Lecture Felicitas Heimann-Jelinek
Thinking the Unbearable

F. Heimann-Jelinek lectures on the occasion of the symposium "Museum and Ethics"

October 7th 2015, 6 p.m., Palais Porcia, Vienna

Diana Kurz. Vienna – New York – Vienna
Exhibition opening

Michaela Feurstein-Prasser curates for the Austrian Federal Chancellery an exhibition about New York artist Diana Kurz.

Aug. 30th – Sept. 3 2015, Hungarian Jewish Museum and Archives


The programme focused on the collections of the Hungarian Jewish Museum and Archives, emphasizing on the question how to use archival materials in the context of museums. It was developed by programme director Felicitas Heimann-Jelinek, assisted by Michaela Feurstein-Prasser, and in close cooperation with AEJM and the Budapest based curatorial team.


September 9th 2015, Bar Ilan University, Ramat-Gan, Israel

Lecture Felicitas Heimann-Jelinek at Bar Illan Universitty, Israel
F. Heimann Jelinek lectures on September 9th 2015 about the subject: Challenging Judaica Objects in the Exhibition: “A Time for Everything - Rituals Against Forgetting”

F. Heimann Jelinek lectures on September 9th 2015 on the occasion of the conference: Constructing and Deconstructing Jewish Art ...more

Hochschule für Jüdische Studien Heidelberg

Exhibition poster
Design: Atelier Stecher

Oct. 5th 2014, 11:30, Jewish Museum Hohenems

Finissage: The First European. Habsbourg and other Jews – a World before 1914
Guided tour with curator M. Feurstein-Prasser

The last day of the exhibition offers once again the occasion to by guided by one the two exhibition curators.



The Long Night of Museums


The Jewish Museum Hohenems

Foto: Dietmar Walser (© Jüdisches Museum Hohenems)

Logo Austrian Parliament
© Austrian Parliament

1. October 2014, 5:30 p.m., Palais Epstein, Vienna

Lecture: Die first Europeans. Habsburg and other Jews - A Word before 1914
Epstein-Lecture, Austrian Parliament

Lecture on the occasion of the exhibition "The first Europeans. Habsburg and other Jews - a world before 1914"

14. - 18. September 2014, Jewish Museum Berlin

Advanced Curatorial Education Programme (A-CEP)

Autumn session of A-CEP takes place in Berlin ...more

Exhibition Poster
Design: Atelier Stecher

Jewish Museum Hohenems, March 25 - October 5, 2014

The First Europeans
Habsburg and Other Jews - A Wolrd Before 1914

The idea of Europe was anticipated from the early modern period onward by the reality-oriented life situation of Jews in Europe. Because of particular and varying legal conditions, their existence was dependent on a proto-European network system. The planned exhibition and the accompanying comprehensive event and educational program starts out with Central Europe as point of departure to shed light on that approach toward a European community.

March 2, - March 5, 2014

AEJM, Curatorial Education Programme
Jewish Historical Museum in Amsterdam

Felicitas Heimann-Jelinek is in charge of the Curatorial Education Programme for the Association of European Jewish Museums in Amsterdam.

Lille - Péronne, February 28, - March 1, 2014

Lecture Felicitas Heimann-Jelinek
The Viennese exhibition "Masks. Aproaching the Shoah" (1997)

Felicitas Heimann-Jelinek lectures on the occation of the workshop "Exhibiting Violence" ...more

Vorarlberger Nachrichten, December 21, 2013

Die Europäische Lebenswelt, Christa Dietrich
The First Europeans. Habsburg and other Jews - a World before 1914

Article about the exhibition "the First Europeans, which is going to be opened on March 23, 2014 in the Jewish Museum Hohenems ...more

Jewish Museum Hohenems, November 18, 2013

Are we there?
The Jewish museum in the framework of its physical, social and ideal space

Lecture by Felicitas Heimann-Jelinek

Institut für die Geschichte der deutschen Juden, November 18, 2013

The Jewish Heritage in the urban landscape
The Example of Vienna

Lecture by Michaela Feurstein-Prasser

Jewish Museum Frankfurt, November 7 2013, 7. p.m.

lecture at the Jewish Museum Frankfurt
„Sag mir, wo die Sammlung ist. Europäische Judaica-Sammlungen im Zweiten Weltkrieg / European Judaica collections during World War II“

Lecture by Felicitas Heimann-Jelinek

Exhibition view
Roman März (© Jewish Museum Berlin)

Jewish Museum Berlin, October 18th, 2013 - February 2nd, 2014

A Time for Everything
Rituals against Forgetting

Due to the big success in Munich the Jewish Museum Berlin takes over the exhibition "A Time for everything - Rituals against Forgetting".


The beginning of the exhibition - Remembering the Temple
Franz Kimmel (© Jewish Museum Munich)

Jewish Museum Munich, February 27th - September 1st 2013

A Time for Everything
Rituals against Forgetting

The exhibition takes a Jewish perspective on strategies against forgetting, and presents Jewish rituals of transition and remembrance.

November 18th, 2012, AEJM Conference, Vienna

Keter Programme and Broshure

At the occasaion of the AEJM conference in Vienna we presented the Keter Programme and the freshly printer broshure. ...more

Shrine of the Book, Israel Museum
© Michaela Feurstein-Prasser

Israel, Oktober 20th - 25th, 2012

Isreal. Contemporary History in Museums

After the big succes of the excursion in Mai, the Israel Excursion is going to be repeated in a slightly modified form in October 2012.

Excursion to the Museum of Religion, Lviv
© Julie-Marthe Cohen

Lviv, January 2012 - September 2012

Rothschild Foundation (Hanadiv) Europe

The Keter Programme is a professional training programme for collaborators of Jewish museums or collections in Ukraine.

Entrance Museum Judenplatz
© Jewish Museum Vienna

Museum Judenplatz, November 2010

New opening of the Museum Judenplatz

The Museum on Judenplatz was reopened after reworking of the permanent exhibition.

July 1 - September 17, 2005

The First
The First Jewish Museum 1895 - 1938


Jewish Museum Vienna, April 3 - June 14, 1998



© Jewish Museum Vienna

Jewish Museum Vienna, February 29, 1996

Opening of the Permanent Exhibition
Max Berger Collection, The Jewish Vienna in 21 Holograms, Viewable Storage Room
