Book Presentation
Felicitas Heimann-Jelinek and Daniela Schmid present their new book: "'Eine Krone mit verschiedenen Verzierungen samt Glöckl und Steinen'
Judaica-Sammlungen in Österreich".
With: Barbara Staudinger, Ariel Muzicant, Gabriele Kohlbauer-Fritz, Felicitas Heimann-Jelinek, Daniela Schmid
The publication is issued on behalf of Judaica Forschung Ltd. ...more
Graphik design: Zeughaus, Feldkirch
14. November 2024, 19:00, AK Vorarlberg, Feldkirch, Vernissage
Unterrichten mit Herz – die Volksschullehrerin Iris Mähr
An exhibition from the "Museum des Wandels"
Becoming a teacher was Iris Mähr's career goal from an early age. A later qualification as a psychotherapist broadened her perspective on the teaching profession. In the ninth exhibition of the "Museum of Change," located in the foyer of AK Vorarlberg, Iris Mähr shares what being a good person means to her and why interpersonal communication is the most important tool for a good teacher. ...more
November 5th, 2024, 10:15, Univervistät für Weiterbildung, Krems
Michaela Feurstein-Prasser speaks about the exhhibition project "Memories of Memeories" (in German)
Memories of Memories. Das Lager Oradour – Das Unsichtbare sichtbar
Lecture as part of the conference: Mitten im Ort. Mitten im Ort
Lager im Nationalsozialismus. ...more
March 21, 2024, 7:00 p.m., Werkraum Bregenzerwald, Andelsbuch
Erwin Hammerer – Von Malz, Maische und Vollendung
Anlässlich der Pop-up-Ausstellung des Museums des Wandels im Werkraum Bregenzerwald gibt es wieder ein Gespräch zwischen Ausstellungskuratorin Michaela Feurstein-Prasser und dem Braumeister Erwin Hammerer ...more
Braumeister Erwin Hammerer – Von Malz, Maische und Vollendung
Eine Ausstellung des Museums des Wandels
Statt wie ursprünglich geplant Bäcker zu werden, entscheidet sich Erwin Hammerer Mitte der 1950er-Jahren für eine Lehre in der Brauerei seines Heimatortes Egg. Im Anschluss arbeitet der Bregenzerwälder in verschiedenen Brauereien in der Schweiz, Luxemburg und Deutschland, bevor er die Braumeisterschule in Berlin besucht. Hier legt er 1963 seine Meisterprüfung ab. ...more
March 2nd 2024 to Jannuary 6th 2025
6 interview clips from the exhibition project are presented in the exhibition
Mythos Handwerk.
Zwischen Ideal und Alltag
6 Filme, die Laufe der letzten 2 Jahre für das Museum des Wandels der Arbeiterkammer Vorarlberg entstanden sind, werden nun im Rahmen der Ausstellung "Mythos Handwerk" zu sehen sein. ...more
December 1 2023, 7:00 pm, Werkraum Bregenzerwald, Andeslbuch
Exhibition opening
Rainer Schedler – Mit Nadel und Faden zur Perfektion
The 6th exhibition of the series "Museum des Wandels" takes place parallelly in the Arbeiterkammer in Feldkrich and the Werkraum Bregenzerwald in Andelsbuch. We present the tailor Rainer Schedler. The opening takes place in the Werkraum.
Tuesday, November 14, 2023, 3:00 pm – 4:00 pm, Zoom (english)
Felicitas Heimman-Jelinek will provide an overview of the history and significance of Wimpel (Torah Binder) and showcase a few illustrative examples from different regions.
Family History Today: Wimpels - Textiles as Windows into the Lives of our Ancestors – Live on Zoom
In August 2023 Yeshiva University Museum (YUM) and the Center for Jewish History completed the digitization, translation and transcription of over 60 wimpels in the Museum’s collections, which can be viewed online here. In this panel discussion, Felicitas Heimann-Jelinek, a Vienna-based freelance curator, author, and professor specializing in Jewish cultural history, will provide an overview of the history and significance of these objects and showcase a few illustrative examples from different regions.Bonni-Dara Michaels, YUM Collections Curator, will discuss how the Museum acquired its wimpels and completed the digitization as part of the IMLS-funded project, and then highlight selected examples from the Museum’s collections. Karen S. Franklin, Director of Family Research at the Leo Baeck Institute, will elaborate on how genealogy researchers can analyze and research wimpels they inherited or those in museum collections to learn more about their family histories.
Co-presented by Yeshiva University Museum, the Leo Baeck Institute, and the Center for Jewish History
Ticket Info: Pay what you wish.
Plakat zur Ausstellung "Niemals vergessen" in Innsbruck 1947, Entwurf: Victor Slama
Credit: Theologische Fakultätsbibliothek Innsbruck
23. November 2022–21. Mai 2023, Jewish Museum Munich
The Last Europeans. Jewish Perspectives on the Crises of an Idea
What was “Project Europe” and what has become of it? And what will become of it? Has the European Union drifted apart even further in times of alarming global challenges instead of moving closer together? Are national interests increasingly pitted against European solutions?
10 November 2022, Arbeiterkammer Feldkirch, 19:00
Exhibition opening
Krankenschwester Anni Raid: Ein Leben für die Herzgesundheit
The third exhibition of the series "Museum of Change" will present the nurse Anni Raid.
Jewish Museum Hohenems, Thursday, June 29, 2017, 7:30 p.m.
Begleitprogramm zur Ausstellung: Die weibliche Seite Gottes
Die weibliche Seite des Islam
Vortrag und Gespräch mit Shaykha Halima Krausen (Hamburg) ...more